Englische Buecher

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Englische Buecher

Beitrag von Steffy »

Hallo zusammen!

Ich habe schon ein paar mal erwaehnt, das ich amerikanische bzw. englische Buecher lese, die es bei uns leider nicht zu kaufen gibt (auf deutsch meine ich). Ich weiss ich nerve. Trotzdem moechte ich Euch anbieten falls ihr interesse haben solltet, Euch ein paar dieser Buecher zu besorgen. Gebraucht und zu einem annehmbaren preis. Manchmal zumindest. Falls Ihr intersse habt, hier sind ein paar buecher die ich besorgen koennte:

Karen Kleiman:
-This isn't what I expected
-The Postpartum husband
-What Am I thinking? Having a baby after PPD

-Conquering Postpartum Depression: A proven Plan for recovery
-Help For depressed Mothers
-Behind the smile:My Journey out of Postpatum Depression (Marie

-Postpartum Depression:Every Woman's Guide to Diagnosis, Treatment
and Prevention

-The new Mother Syndrome: Coping with Postpartum Stress and

-Sleeplees Days: One Woman's Journey Through Postpartum

-Meditation for New mothers
-Composing Myself:A journey Through Postpartum Depression
-Banish Post-Baby Blues: All the Advice, Support and Encouragement You
Need to Cope With Post-Natal Depression

-Postpartum Survival Guide
About 50 to 80 percent of new mothers experience some postpartum blues, some ten to 20 percent have longer-lasting postpartum reactions, and about one or two in a thousand experience postpartum psychosis. Providing an important resource for expectant and new mothers, the authors outline various types of postpartum reaction. Board members of Postpartum Support International, psychologists Dunnewold and Sanford offer a psychobiological explanation for both "normal" and pathological reactions, discuss factors that predispose mothers toward a severe reaction, and provide a good deal of information about when, where, and how to get help. By deromanticizing our conception of new motherhood, this book will help women evaluate their negative reactions more realistically and get appropriate help when necessary. Though the book is at times repetitive, the information is extremely useful. Highly recommended.
- Rebounding from Childbirth
"Never mind what you've been through. The baby's here, he's healthy. That's the most important thing, isn't it?" Few women planning a pregnancy or anticipating childbirth would dispute that the safe birth of a healthy child is their primary concern. Even when this happy outcome is achieved, however, the process of childbirth itself can wreak havoc on a woman's emotional and physiological well-being--especially when unforeseen medical complications change the expected course of labor and delivery. Rebounding From Childbirth--the first book to focus exclusively on the mother's feelings about a difficult birth--shows how traumatic childbirth forces a woman to suddenly relinquish cherished hopes for her experience of actually becoming a mother. Amid the joys of a healthy baby, the mother's feelings of anger, grief, failure and disappointment often get scant attention from family, friends and medical personnel. Drawing from her own life as a professional counselor and mother of three, Lynn Madsen argues that a woman should not underestimate her own need to recover emotionally and physiologically from a violent birth experience. Without true healing, Madsen's analysis reveals, a new mother's suppressed sense of loss and pain can affect her relationships with her baby and husband, her body image, her feelings about going back to work, even her hopes for future pregnancies and births. Through her own story and those of other women, Madsen offers comfort, hope, and an intensely personal perspective to new mothers who feel alone with a range of negative feelings about childbirth. Taking a dual stance as counselor and mother, she structures self-analytical questions and outlines techniques such as journal and letter writing to help the reader begin the healing journey. For obstetricians, nurses, midwives, new mothers and mothers-to-be, Rebounding From Childbirth provides moving insight and counsel on a difficult subject.
-Depression After Childbirth: How to Recognise, Treat, and Prevent
Postnatal Depression
-Post-Natal Depression : Your Questions Answered
-Mothering the New Mother: Your Postpartum Resource Companion
Most women expecting their first child become so consumed with the pregnancy and plans for delivery that they give little thought to their postpartum period. Even those who do rarely have a clear picture of the adjustments necessary in the transition to motherhood. They are surprised to find that much of motherhood does not, in fact, come naturally. In Mothering the New Mother , Placksin describes rituals from traditional cultures where other women assist the new mother in the passage into motherhood. Much of the book discusses how our society robs women of that assistance while setting up barriers to fulfilling motherhood. It then suggest some options for overcoming those barriers. Much of the content can be found in other texts, many of which are referenced by Placksin. What proves useful, however, are her extensive lists of resources available to the postpartum woman and questionnaires for planning postpartum support. An optional purchase.

-Overcoming Postpartum Depression and Anxiety
-Women's Moods: What Every Woman Must Know About Hormones, the Brain, and Emotional Health "Have you taken care of your brain today?" The question arises frequently in this look at how women's hormones affect not only their moods but their lives. According to Sichel (a Harvard Medical School professor specializing in psychiatry and neurology) and Driscoll (a clinical nurse specialist known for her work in women's psychology and hormonal issues), the way a woman's hormones function in relation to her brain (and thus her entire body) dictates how her life will unfold. Drawing on women's personal stories as well as on clinical studies, Sichel and Driscoll explain why a woman's transit through her menstrual cycle affects her moods; why the devastating, complex effects of postpartum depression "are the biggest complication of birth today"; and how female hormonal imbalance undoubtedly causes depression. Readers are invited to utilize NURSE (nourishment, understanding, relaxation, spirituality and exercise)Athe secrets to keeping brain function optimal. Whether a woman is menstrual, pregnant, postnatal, periomenopausal or menopausal, this book offers a wealth of detailed information on how to maintain proper hormonal balance and thus a happy and productive life.

Da ich eine AMerikanische Adresse habe (was es dadurch preislich billiger und auch einfacher macht) dachte ich mal , biete ich es euch an. Ihr koennt auch mal selber nachschauen unter http://www.abebooks.com. Die Buecher die ich jetzt vorgestellt habe, kenne ich nicht alle. Aber ich dachte mal ich stell mehr rein falls euch das eine oder andere interessieren sollte.

Beitrag von Blancanieves »


Steffy... Danke dir... ich verstehe auch viel English... sprechen fehlt es mir aber schwerer...

Ich habe auch einige Bücher auf English...ich finde es schön..die originalen Texte zu lesen...nicht die Übersetzungen... vestehst du mich??

Beitrag von Sas »

Steffy, das mit den Büchern finde ich toll von Dir. The PostArtum Husband wäre vielleicht was für die Leute in unserem Angehörigen-Forum. Schade, dass so wenig davon ins Deutsche übersetzt werden.

Ciao, Saskia